Meet your curl specialist
Hello there and welcome! I’m Cloud your curl specialist and educator. Here curls are celebrated, adored, and understood. Helping guests grow to love their curls, and not be held captive by the confusion of internet is such a joy. Learning how to do your hair is just like anything else. It takes practice and help from someone who has been there before you.
My desire to specialize in curls came from learning how to do my own. Once I understood the basics I felt free to enjoy my hair and my life. Redeeming Curls comes from a place where I have been.
This hair thing doesn’t have to be complicated. If you are ready to grow in your curl journey and want a partner in doing so, I’m ready when you are! Come understand the science behind hair and how products work. Lets talk about how your lifestyle plays a part in your hairstyle choices. Come and ask all your hair questions without embarrassment.
I’m excited to meet you at Redeeming Curls! Where we redeem your hair and mind at the same time.